Express & Star

Three admit Christmas Day pub brawl which saw father and son injured with weapons

Three men have admitted their part in a violent pub car park brawl which saw Christmas revellers attacked with a machete and a claw hammer.


Ainsley Seales and half brother Lewis Bolding arrived at the Brunswick Arms in Wednesbury carrying the weapons following a row in the pub earlier on Christmas Day.

A huge fight followed on the car park, with a father and son left seriously injured.

Philip Jones was beaten unconscious after being struck with the claw hammer and machete after being sprayed with CS gas. His son Ross Jones was slashed on the arm with the machete.

Seales, aged 33, Lewis Bolding, 21 and Deon Bolding, 24, who was also present, pleaded guilty to violent disorder.

The three had been on trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court but the prosecution agreed to drop charges of inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent and wounding with intent and offer the lesser charge after further CCTV footage of the brawl came to light.

Prosecutor Mr Philip Beardwell told the court that although Seales and Lewis Bolding had brought the weapons to the pub, the new footage also showed Ross Jones acting aggressively.

Seales, of Chestnut Road, Wednesbury, also pleaded guilty to possession of an offensive weapon and possession of a prohibited weapon.

Lewis Bolding, of Vowles Road, West Bromwich, admitted two counts of possessing an offensive weapon.

The court heard on Monday how Philip and Ross Jones had been celebrating Christmas at the Crankhall Lane pub with other members of their family last year.

The jury was told how the build-up to the violence started when Philip Jones and Lewis Bolding had a heated 'disagreement' at the pub.

Seales then arrived and had 'words' Mr Jones.

He then left before returning with Lewis and Deon Bolding, also of Vowles Road, West Bromwich, in his white BMW.

Philip Jones suffered heavy blood loss and a large gash down the back of his head following the attack last year. The machete blow to Ross Jones' arm cut through his muscle and left flesh hanging off, which had to be stapled in hospital.

Mr Beardwell said: "Weapons were taken to the scene by (Seales and Lewis Bolding) and were used to inflict violence. The machete was passed between the two defendants, first to inflict violence on Philip Jones and then to cut Ross Jones on his left arm."

Discharging the jury, Judge James Burbidge told them: "The CCTV discovered potentially puts the case in a different light.

"Undoubtedly, the Jones' suffered significant injuries but how the fight started and how it progressed it not entirely clear."

Sentencing will take place on January 16.

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