Express & Star

Chinese restaurant fined over filthy kitchens

A Chinese restaurant has been fined £7,000 after inspectors uncovered filthy kitchens and found no evidence staff had received any hygiene training.


Chop and Wok, on Suffolk Street Queensway in Birmingham city centre, was prosecuted by the city council following the findings.

When officers went back to the premises three days after the initial inspection in February 2015, they found the kitchen was still dirty. They also said there was no documented food safety management system in place, meaning there was no analysis of critical control points, which could have led to significant cross-contamination of foods.

The restaurant, which describes itself as the ultimate Chinese takeaway and noodle bar experience on its website, pleaded guilty to seven offences under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations Act at Birmingham Magistrates Court. The addition to the £7,000 fines, bosses were also told to stump up £593 to cover court costs.

Councillor Barbara Dring, who chairs the council's licensing committee, said: "People should be able to have confidence in the safety of the food served and cleanliness of any food business in Birmingham – regardless of whether it's a takeaway or a posh restaurant.

"All food businesses in Birmingham are included in a regular inspection programme which is designed to ensure they all operate to a good standard, and firms that don't comply with these strict standards will be prosecuted.

"We want the city's food businesses to thrive and as such our officers work closely with premises to ensure they achieve the necessary standards required to operate safely."

The chain also has restaurants on Hagley Road West, Quinton, and Cannon Street in Birmingham city centre.

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