Express & Star

Travellers pitch up near Kwik Fit in Wolverhampton

A group of travellers have pitched up on a council-owned car park in Wolverhampton city centre.


Five caravans were spotted on the Faulkland Street Car Park, behind Kwik Fit on Stafford Street and just off the A4150 ring road.

The travellers camped just behind where Parry's International and other businesses usually park their coaches. They appeared yesterday.

The council was said to be aware of the issue and looking into taking action.

It is the latest occasion when travellers have pitched up in the city in recent months.

Last month caravans arrived in Murdoch Road, Bilston, near to the overpass of the A463 Black Country Route.

Vehicles were parked in the hammerhead turning area opposite DS Willetts. They were issued with a notice to leave the camp by the council.

And last summer, the council was left with a £25,000 bill after travellers left a trail of destruction at a city beauty spot.

The site in Kitchen Lane, Wednesfield, was left strewn with rubbish including mattresses, tyres, a battered caravan, cardboard boxes and human waste last August.

The popular park area resembled a rubbish tip after travellers smashed through bollards at two entrance points and spent six days there.

It took 10 staff two days to clear up the mess that had been left behind, with workers pulled off their usual cleaning duties elsewhere in the city to deal with the travellers site.

Residents reacted with shock at the cost of the bill, which was footed by the taxpayer, while Wednesfield North councillor Phil Bateman called for a review into the issue.

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