Express & Star

Dangerous rapist jailed for 12 years for campaign of sex abuse

A man described as a 'danger' to young women has been put behind bars for 12 years for a string of serious sex attacks.


Stuart Slater, aged 48, from the Sandwell area, carried out a 'campaign of rapes' against a woman that began when she was a schoolgirl, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told

Slater had denied nine charges of rape but he was convicted by a jury after they retired to consider the evidence at the end of his trial.

He admitted one charge of assault causing actual bodily harm.

He was told by Judge Michael Dudley: "The reality is the only person you care about is yourself."

The judge said Slater who showed no reaction as he was jailed was a 'dreadful bully' who had frightened his victim with threats of violence.

"I cannot begin to imagine the psychological harm you have done to this young woman," said Judge Dudley.

He added: "My legal career began in 1972 and this the worst case of continuing sexual abuse I have ever come across."

He told Slater: "I had thought of imposing life imprisonment but the risk you pose to other women can be contained by an extended sentence.

"The sentence provides control of you for 20 years and hopefully by that stage you will no longer be a danger to young women."

Judge Dudley told Slater, now of no fixed address, his licence on release from custody would be increased by a further eight years.

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