Express & Star

Wolverhampton Market traders look forward to lockdown easing

Regulars at Wolverhampton Market offered guarded optimism about a future beyond coronavirus.

Earl Grant is looking forward to when he no longer needs a mask

From June 21, the Government has planned to lift all legal limits on social contact. That means social distancing and wearing face masks may no longer be required.

But with an Indian variant looming, the process is far from certain.

Shoppers and business owners in and around the market supported Covid measures in order to keep people safe.

WATCH: Shop traders have say on lockdown easing

Robin Newby, aged 63 from Codsall, who runs his family butchers, said: "People know now what they have got to do, the majority of the time anyway.

"I welcome lockdown easing, as long as cases remain low."

Robin Newby

He believed face masks and social-distancing should remain in place while coronavirus is still circulating and, asked for his thoughts on how the Boris Johnson has handled the pandemic, said: "I think he has handled it really well."

Earl Grant, 59 from Dudley, who runs Earl's Caribbean Store, said: "Lifting restrictions would be better for us."

The market in Wolverhampton city centre

He said he would like social distancing to remain in place in case of a rise in cases of the Indian variant but he will be glad to no longer have to wear a face covering, saying: "I don't like wearing them."

He added: "I don't think Boris Johnson could have done any better. You cannot control what you cannot see."

Jasminder Kaur, 63 from Wolverhampton, who works at Grewal Fabrics, said: "I like the fact lockdown restrictions will end, I believe it will be safe for people."

Jasminder Kaur

Bhupinder Singh, 67 from Penkridge, said: "Everybody has their own views but I believe the lifting of restrictions would be a good thing."

Asked for his thoughts on the Prime Minster, Mr Singh said: "I think he has done very good, it is a very hard job, not easy.

Bhupinder Singh

"You cannot make everybody happy but I am proud of him, he is the best Prime Minister I have seen, especially during this time in the pandemic."

Richard Latham, 56 from Wombourne, who runs Latham's fruit and vegetable stall, said: "I don't know why we had to wear masks outside."

Richard Latham

He added: "Boris Johnson has done an exceptional job."

Jerry Watson, 61 from Pendeford, who runs a fruit and vegetable stall, said: "I'm all for lifting of restrictions, as long as it is safe.

Jerry Watson

"You have got to be on the safe side with the Indian variant."

He added: "I think the Prime Minister has done reasonably well handling the pandemic."

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