Express & Star

Social justice campaigner Desmond Jaddoo announces crime commissioner bid

A prominent social justice campaigner has announced he is standing for West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner in May's elections.

Desmond Jaddoo is standing for West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner

Bishop Dr Desmond Jaddoo says he wants to ensure that "the communities are the police and the police the community".

He represents the recently formed We Matter Party, which describes itself as "a black-led party of equality, social justice and reform".

The poll on May 6 will elect a successor to retiring Labour PCC David Jamieson, who has overseen soaring crime across the region since he took office in 2014.

Dr Jaddoo said: "It is time for strong and responsible leadership in order to ensure that the communities are the police and the police the community.

“The people of the West Midlands are clearly seeking change and this is the beginning of it. Divisions only lead to tragedies, and we need to stop pointing fingers and work together to seek solutions.

"There is no space in public safety for political spin or rhetoric."

Dr Jaddoo is a former council housing officer and founder of the Birmingham Empowerment Forum.

He has previously stood unsuccessfully for election to Birmingham Council, as an independent candidate in Ladywood in 2014 and as a Conservative candidate in Newtown in 2018.

Other candidates include Birmingham pub bombings campaigner Julie Hambleton, Conservative Jay Singh-Sohal, Labour's Simon Foster and Jon Hunt for the Lib Dems.

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