Express & Star

Jail for man who groomed girl, 11, online

A man who groomed an 11-year-old girl online has been jailed.


Sam Bartlett, 25, befriended the girl on Facebook using a false name and told her to send him explicit images.

Initially the girl had turned down any contact from him.

But Bartlett, of Springfields in Rushall, persisted and lied that he was in the sixth form at her school.

Bartlett told her she 'should be a model' and urged her to send indecent photos and videos of herself.

Some of these were taken of her in her underwear.

On one occasion, he asked her to take photos of her younger sister, who was just seven.

Police were only alerted to Bartlett's crimes when the 11-year-old's mother saw the girl had blocked a contact - who was Bartlett - on her mobile phone, Wolverhampton Crown Court heard.

She searched further and found some of the explicit photos.

She informed police and Bartlett was arrested on March 11, 2015.

Officers seized a hard drive and a laptop computer and found hundreds of indecent images.

There were 66 and one video classed in the most serious category A.

A further 33 images and one video were classed as category B and another 163 images and a further 12 videos were in category C.

Other equipment that was seized by the police could not be accessed because Bartlett refused to tell them the password for what officers suspected would be more indecent material.

Bartlett is also suspected by police by having other online contact with a Scottish girl but no complaint has been made and no others details of her known, prosecutor Miss Michelle Heeley said.

There were ten counts of possessing indecent images and one count of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity.

He was jailed for five years and four months and is subject to a sexual offences prevention order for 20 years.

He will be on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

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