Express & Star

£200,000 cannabis farm found in Black Country drugs bust

Around £200,000 worth of cannabis was found when police busted a drugs farm in the Black Country.


Two teenagers were arrested during the raid in Gospel End Road, Dudley, where more than 300 plants were discovered.

Officers from Staffordshire Police raided the premises at around 7.30am on Saturday and found the commercial set up with plants at various stages of cultivation. The street value of the cannabis was around £200,000.

Two men, aged 15 and 18, were arrested at the property and were later released on bail pending further investigation.

South Staffordshire Local Policing Team Commander Chief Inspector Giles Parsons said: "This was a commercial set up. It was cultivation on a reasonable scale and was obviously not just meant for personal use.

"Drug dealers cause misery and blight communities. We are committed to tackling them and will prosecute wherever possible. I urge people living in communities affected by drug dealers to come forward and tell us about their concerns.

"Anyone not wanting to report things to us direct can go via Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or through website at"

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