Express & Star

Islamic street preacher who told woman she'd burn in hell will 'keep views to himself'

A street preacher who told a Muslim woman she would "burn in hell" for wearing tight jeans has vowed to keep his religious views to himself, a court has heard.


Krissoni Henderson also called his victim a non-believer and a prostitute before branding police "disgusting" atheists, according to prosecutors.

At Birmingham Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, he was sentenced to a 24-month community order with a curfew and ordered to complete an anger management course.

Henderson, 31, was arrested in July after former social worker Noor Alneaimi, who had recently undergone eye surgery, made a complaint to West Midlands Police.

He was convicted on Monday of religiously aggravated threatening behaviour following a trial.

Speaking in court immediately after sentencing, Henderson, who the court was told suffered with bipolar disorder, said: "I am completely innocent."

The married father of one added: "I am going to turn my life around.

"I'm going to be a good father and a good husband."

Chairman of the magistrates' bench Michael Somers, who sentenced Henderson, responded: "Glad to hear it."

Outside, wearing a hooded white robe and trainers, he told reporters his preaching days were over.

He then said: "My skin is as thick as a crocodile, my skin is as thick as a rhinoceros."

Henderson added: "This is just my exterior. Come and live with me for 24 hours and you will know what sort of person I am; I will wash your feet, and I will cook your food, and I will comb your hair and I will make you a cup of tea.

"That's the sort of person I am."

Earlier during sentencing, his lawyer Peter Ricketts told the court: "He is adamant he's stopped preaching.

"He has strong views about religion but he's going to have to keep them to himself, and his family."

Mr Somers told Henderson the magistrates had taken account of other aggravating factors during the offence.

He told the defendant: "In addition, it was a public place at a busy time, at risk of inflaming violence against a gathering crowd."

Henderson was also told he must complete a course on decision-making and abide by a night-time curfew.

He was ordered to pay £200 compensation to his victim, £425 costs and an £85 victim surcharge.

During the trial, his victim said she had heard him shouting abusive language to a passer-by in New Street, Birmingham, before he told her: "Look at your tight jeans."

Ms Alneaimi, who stressed Henderson was not preaching at the time of the offence, told an earlier hearing: "He directed the conversation to me and started saying you are a 'kafir'.

"He said 'You shall burn in hell, look at your jeans, they are so tight. You will burn in hell for wearing such clothes'.

"I said 'I am going to report you to the authorities' and he said 'They can't do nothing. I am going to come down your house and blow up you and your house'."

Ms Alneaimi, 38, who gave evidence from behind a screen, said: "For him to think that I am a non-Muslim and for him to class me as a non-believer - I was just astounded and absolutely terrified."

Police body-cam footage played to magistrates showed officers being berated by Henderson after they called at his flat a day after the incident.

The footage showed Henderson saying he was sick and tired of racism, and calling one officer a "filthy, disgusting beast" and a "statue worshipper" before another officer advised him: "You need to chill yourself out. I just want you to put your shoes on."

In his evidence to the trial, Henderson, of Brook Street in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter, claimed his victim had "targeted" him - and may have been trying to seduce him.

Henderson - who also shouted "Allahu Akbar" before he was arrested - told magistrates Ms Alneaimi may have been attracted to his muscles.

The preacher - who quoted from both the Koran and the Bible after emerging from court - declined to confirm his religion, telling magistrates: "My religion is humanity. My religion is to love people regardless of what they wear."
