Express & Star

Jailed: Burglar took up crimes to pay mother's health bill

An immigrant who turned to crime to pay for his mother's surgery in Albania was today behind bars.


Fatmir Brozi lawfully lived in this country for 14 years and is married to a British citizen, a judge was told.

During that time he had only been convicted of a single offence, an affray following a dispute at work, Wolverhampton Crown Court heard.

Then the 32-year-old burgled two homes in seven months, escaping with cash and jewellery worth more than £65,000, disclosed Mr Howard Searle, prosecuting.

Brozi forced a door and smashed a window to burgle the house of a 71-year-old woman with a disabled daughter in Birds Meadow, Pensnett, on May 24.

The defendant left with property valued at £2,760 following an untidy search during which he cut himself and left a tell tale bloodstain that matched his DNA, continued Mr Searle.

Brozi was arrested soon afterwards and was free on bail when he broke into a second home during a trip to Great Yarmouth in December. He got away with £60,000 jewellery and £2,500 cash but damaged his knuckle and was identified through another bloodstain found at the scene.

Mr Gurdeep Garcha, defending, observed: "He is far from a professional burglar having left clues to his identity at both scenes."

Brozi, from Addlington Way, Tividale, admitted both burglaries and was jailed for two years by Judge Katrina Montgomery QC, who told him: "You made off with a substantial amount of cash and jewellery – some of which was irreplaceable."

She ordered the money found in his possession when arrested be returned to the victim in Norfolk since it came from that burglary.

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