Express & Star

Jailed: West Bromwich thug beat up ex-girlfriend at hotel

A teenage girl was threatened with a knife and beaten up after agreeing to see her childhood sweetheart at a hotel in defiance of a court order, a judge heard.


Janesh Bains had wounded her before as their relationship turned violent prompting the issue of a restraining order that banned him from having any contact with her.

The 19-year-old thug struck again after they got to their room at the city centre Redwings Lodge in Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton, on December 4.

He repeatedly punched the girl – also 19 – in the face, stamped on her legs and grabbed her by the hair before picking up a cutlery knife and warning: 'Don't think that I won't stab you.' explained Mr Edward Soulsby, prosecuting.

Things started to go wrong for the couple in 2013 when Bains began to treat her differently following the death of her father, the court heard.

She said in a statement: "I went from a happy teenager to a stressed individual. It turned into a violent, aggressive relationship. I wonder how I am not already dead."

The girl continued: "I know the assaults would not have happened if I did not keep going to see him but he would ring my phone incessantly. The stress this caused is indescribable. I feel like a prisoner to a monster."

Bains had a restraining order slapped on him in May 2014 that banned him from having any contact with the girl for four years after he had wounded her.

But he went to the business where she worked in Stow Heath on November 28 last year and left the girl feeling 'shaken' by the confrontation, revealed Mr Soulsby.

Police were alerted but the girl agreed to meet Bains at Redwings Lodge just days later.

Police arrested Bains and Mr David Iles, defending, said: "He is an impetuous, immature teenager who must learn that repeated behaviour like this, accompanied by violence, is unacceptable. He just won't take no for an answer."

Bains from Church Lane, West Bromwich admitted battery and twice breaking the restraining order. He was ordered to be detained in a Young Offenders Institution for 21 months by Recorder Stephen Thomas.

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