Express & Star

Thugs locked up for savage Wolverhampton city centre attacks

A violent thug who was involved in two savage attacks in Wolverhampton has been jailed.


Sandeep Thakher was part of attacks in a shop and a takeaway in the city centre which saw one man hit over the head with a bottle and another's head stamped on.

The 25-year-old was jailed at Wolverhampton Crown Court for four and a half years for his role in the brutal beatings. Amarjit Suman, who was part of the second attack, was jailed for two years and three months.

The court heard how Nathan Garner was pursued to a convenience store following a fight between him and Thakher on a bus.

Mr Garner was set upon by the 25-year-old and two accomplices with CCTV footage showing Thakher throwing a bottle towards the victim and kicking his girlfriend to the floor as she tried to call 999.

Recorder David Crigman QC said that although most of the blows to Mr Garner were from two unknown men with Thakher, of Lodge Road, Oxley, it was he who 'assembled a gang' to 'go after him'.

Mr Garner was kicked, punched and hit with a cosh before a bottle was smashed over his head during the severe beating which left him with a gash on his head which needed hospital treatment.

Four months later, violence flared at Dixy Chicken in Broad Street as Thakher and Suman, 32, of Green Drive, Oxley, queued for something to eat following a night out.

Kelly McDonald, who was standing with her boyfriend Ian Adams in front of the pair, took exception to something they said, the court was told. They began to argue before both Thakher and Suman punched her in the face.

Mr Adams intervened but was overpowered and punched in the face several times and his head was stamped on by one of the defendants. His jaw was fractured while Ms McDonald received a puncture wound through her cheek.

Thakher, who was on bail at the time of the second offence, admitted wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, assault and affray as well as a separate charge of wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm. Suman admitted wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm and affray.

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