Express & Star

Smethwick murder probe: Residents shocked and scared after teen stabbed to death

A murder inquiry has been launched after a 15-year-old boy was stabbed to death in Smethwick.


The injured schoolboy was found in Raglan Road at around 2.20am yesterday and taken to hospital where he died.

Neighbours have told of hearing screams and shouts in the early hours and their shock at discovering the horror on their doorsteps.

The stabbing took place just yards away from the Cape Hill Medical Centre and close to The Puffing Billy pub. A forensic tent has been put up at the scene and scenes of crime officers were still investigating there yesterday.

Horrified residents are reeling from the loss of such a young life with some declaring concerns about safety in the area.

While specialist nurse Laurel Woodstock, who works at City Hospital, said the attack was 'frightening'.

Raglan Road resident Mrs Woodstock, 55, said it has made her fear for her safety at night, particularly as she has to work on-call shifts which mean she has to attend the hospital in the early hours.

"It's sad because I thought this was a quiet area," Mrs Woodstock said. "I'm appalled to hear about a stabbing and starting to wonder how safe this area is for us to live.

"I don't know now if it's OK for us to live in this area and be safe. It's very frightening. For it to happen to someone that age as well is awful."

The murder took place close to The Puffing Billy pub which has been cordoned off, the police tent can be seen behind the police van

Nasibah Safi, 24, was visiting her mother Badam in the street on Saturday night and left around 11.30pm.

Badam heard a commotion around 2am outside but had not paid too much attention as she was not feeling well. She has been stunned by the stabbing a stone's throw from her home.

Nasibah said: "Mum told me she heard a loud noise around 2am. She was in bed and thought maybe it was drunk people shouting. To hear someone died is really sad.

"It's very scary as well as I was here visiting no left at 11.30. Everything was ok then."

A 26-year-old Raglan Road resident said he had been woken up in the early hours of yesterday morning to the sound of screams. He said: "You could hear kids shouting and so we woke up.

"We just thought they were messing around but then the police turned up as well. There were about 15 of them chasing one kid but I didn't think too much of it. You hear lots of screams like that every day and just thought it was the normal thing of kids having a play fight."

The scene in Raglan Road

Another neighbour living on the street said: "The first thing we knew about it was when the police knocked on our door and asked if we have any CCTV. You wouldn't expect it to happen around here. "

A teenage girl, who asked to remain anonymous, said: "I'm not going to be coming out at night around here now. Too many bad things are starting to happen around here.

"What are his family going to be going through now this Christmas?

Detective Inspector Warren Hines from Force CID said: "Inquiries are at an early stage and officers are looking at CCTV and taking witness statements.

"I would urge anyone who was around the Raglan Road area at the time please get in touch.

"If you have any information about what took place please call me on 101."

Crimestoppers can also be called anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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