Express & Star

Machete-wielding burglars attack couple in own home and steal £8k jewellery

Machete-wielding burglars attacked a Walsall couple in their home inflicting serious injuries to a man's hands and legs.


The pair, believed to be Eastern European, fled the property on Somers Road in Pleck with around £8,000 worth of jewellery.

West Midlands Police has now launched an appeal for information on the violent incident which took place in the early hours of Wednesday, September 16.

The 33-year-old man living at the home sustained the injuries to his to his hands and legs while his wife, aged 40, was unharmed but very shaken up.

The first suspect was Eastern European, aged 27 or 28, 6ft tall, of muscular build, with black short hair with curls at the front.

He had a thin pencil beard along his jaw line, a cut into his eyebrow and a gap in his teeth.

The second man was also Eastern European and between 5ft 4ins to 5ft 6ins tall and of slim build. He was wearing a royal blue Hollister tracksuit with 'Hollister' written on the arms in white text.

Detective Constable Dave Carless, from Walsall CID, said: "This was a really disturbing attack against a couple minding their own business in their own home.

"The men not only threatened them with violence but attacked the man before stealing £8000 pounds worth of jewellery.

"Despite the nasty circumstances the couple have been able to give us detailed descriptions and we need anyone who thinks they can help our investigation to get in touch as soon as possible."

Anyone with information on the incident should call DC Carless on 101 or pass information on to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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