Football thug broke referee's nose after red card
An amateur footballer who broke a referee's nose after he had sent him off has received a suspended jail sentence.

Shane Davies attacked referee Alan Kite when he showed him the red card for hurling abuse after the official turned down a penalty appeal, a court heard.
Davies had admitted assaulting Mr Kite at an earlier hearing and sentencing had been adjourned at Wolverhampton Crown Court for psychiatric reports.
His solicitor, Mr Jas Mann, acknowledged his client's behaviour on March 31 last year was 'thoroughly reprehensible'.
Davies, of Hillside Road, Dudley, was given a 12-month prison sentence suspended for two years.
After the case an FA spokesman said Davies, who was already serving a ban for assaulting a rival player in a previous game, was now banned from football for life. The 27-year-old told the court he had not played football since the incident.
Mr Geoffrey Dann, prosecuting, said the incident happened at a match at King George V Park, Stourbridge, when Mr Kite turned down a penalty appeal.
Davies, who was playing for Malt Shovel Athletic, hurled abuse at Mr Kite who sent the father-of-three off for using foul language. He then slapped Mr Kite before walking off the pitch, causing a broken nose. Mr Mann said: "He has been extremely candid in the report, which acknowledges that this young man has underlying problems.
"He understood he had a problem and had already consulted his GP about anger management and that came to the fore on this occasion."
Judge Helen Hughes handed him a suspended sentence and told him to complete an anger management programme. He was also told to pay £500 compensation to Mr Kite, £535 costs and a £100 victim surcharge.
He said: "Your own counsel has described your behaviour as thoroughly reprehensible and those are the words I would use to describe it."
After the hearing, Mike Fellows, discipline manager at Birmingham County FA, said Davies had already been suspended for assaulting another player. But Davies registered under another name to play for another team.