Express & Star

'Seize moment' and expand Birmingham Airport: Tory mayoral candidate

It is time to 'seize the moment' and expand Birmingham Airport, the Conservative candidate to be the first West Midlands mayor has said.


Andy Street, the former boss of John Lewis, said now expansion at Heathrow had been given the green light by ministers, it was time to plough ahead with looking at how Birmingham Airport will grow.

Birmingham Airport's expansion plans, due to be published next year, are expected to include proposals for a second runway.

It would allow Birmingham to serve 55 million passengers by 2050.

Mr Street said: "The Government's announcement on the future of aviation in the UK sets very firmly the context for airport expansion nationally.

"Within this landscape, it's important we now seize the moment and start setting out our case for expansion at Birmingham and, crucially, how other important aspects like planning, the environment and rail transport fit in.

"Businesses across the region are very clear on their desire for an expanded Birmingham Airport.

"We certainly have momentum as, unlike Heathrow, we currently have under-utilised capacity and thus we can grow now.

Conservative candidate for West Midlands mayor Andy Street was previously managing director at John Lewis

"The airport's leadership are already exploiting this opportunity well. For the last 19 months there has been record growth, and our airport is now handling approximately 11 million movements a year. That leaves good capacity on the one runway, which we can take advantage of whilst decisions are taken for London's current airports.

"But this is very much about long term planning. A growing regional economy, and the advent of HS2 within the decade, give us a new opportunity which needs very careful planning."

Theresa May's cabinet approved proposals to build a third runway at Heathrow over its rival Gatwick.

While there was no mention on Birmingham Airport expansion this week, Howard Davies who headed the review of the country's airports highlighted Birmingham as having a strong case for future expansion.

Solihull council has also created the Urban Growth Company (UGC) to develop a masterplan into how the area around the airport and proposed HS2 rail station could be transformed.

Mr Street added: "I very much look forward to working with the airport and the UGC on how we can make the most of our opportunities.

"If we can be genuinely co-ordinated and demonstrate a long-term vision, we will have a big advantage over other airport areas which have taken a more piecemeal approach."

Labour's mayoral candidate Siôn Simon, said: "For too long, the West Midlands' interests have been put second to London's. Their interests are not ours.

"In failing to prioritise new aviation capacity for the West Midlands, once again, we have been let down. Anything short of a clear commitment to more capacity in the West Midlands continues the tradition of a Conservative government in London failing to give us a fair deal. With High Speed Rail coming to the region in the next decade, it will be a costly missed opportunity for businesses and for jobs.

"This is exactly why we need a Labour Mayor for all the West Midlands - not one dancing to the tune of the Tory government in London but someone always putting our interests first."

The Liberal Democrat candidate Beverley Nielsen has also backed calls for a second Birmingham runway.

A Birmingham Airport spokesman said: "We are pleased that ministers have recognised the increasing role Birmingham Airport will play when it becomes the UK's first high-speed rail connected airport and its catchment area is dramatically enlarged into London.

"We are now exploring the options for supporting growing demand and creating an integrated transport hub so we can play our full part in unlocking the potential of the Midlands Engine."

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