Penkridge pubs join forces to tackle yobs
An action group has been set up to tackle yobbish behaviour in pubs around Penkridge.

All the village's pub landlords will be involved in the group along with the regional licensing officer.
Regular meetings will be held to discuss issues and members can also send text messages to each other throughout the night to warn of any nuisance customers.
Rob Griffin, who runs the Monckton Bar and set up the action group with his wife, said: "We are running a public watch scheme and having a meeting with all the landlords and the regional licensing officer to get it all set up.
"We will text each other to see if there is anybody who has been misbehaving so people no longer have to put up with abuse behaviour in our pubs.
"We are a small village and we want to nip problems in the bud. We do not want people to think they can get away with it.
"We know who the troublemakers are but obviously we cannot bar them without reason so hopefully now this will make them think twice."
The group holds its first meeting at the White Hart pub, Wolverhampton Road, on Tuesday.