Hundreds want temple parking to ease traffic problems
Nightmare traffic problems outside a Walsall temple have prompted a proposal to introduce on-street parking outside.

More than 500 people have backed a petition to bring in a limited waiting period outside of Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib on Rollingmill Street, Pleck.
Double red lines preventing stopping anytime on the stretch between Pleck Road and Brineton Street were introduced in 2009 and two years later double yellows, prohibiting waiting, were brought in for the rest of the route.
The petition has called for the relaxing of both sets of rules.
Councillor Khizar Hussain, who represents the Pleck area, said: "It is a busy road and a well-attended, popular temple.
"On-street parking would be very helpful. If the council can relax the rules at certain times it would assist the people there."
The council's overview and scrutiny committee has discussed the move and it will now be discussed by highways chiefs on the authority.
Councillor Mohammed Nazir who chaired the meeting said: "It does make sense what they are asking for.
"It would allow people a short period to drop visitors to the temple and pick them up.
"It will be a better arrangement than what is there currently. I hope that highways officers or the portfolio holder approves it.
"It will greatly benefit the people who visit the temple."
But despite backing from elected councillors early indications are that highways experts may feel differently.
An officer's report on the issue has stated that it would create safety risks on the road.
It said: "The relaxation of any or all of the existing restrictions to permit on street parking is highly likely to result in the re-emergence of the previous obstruction and safety problems.
"Time-limited waiting restrictions will prevent the road being generally used by local employees for all-day parking.
"The provision of on-street parking at this location is likely to reduce road safety, increase traffic congestion and may create difficulties in manoeuvring in and out of nearby off-street premises."
Concerns have also been raised that visitors to Walsall Manor Hospital, located around the corner, would abuse any relaxing of the restrictions.
The report adds: "It is also possible that visitors to the Manor Hospital may also utilise any parking facility that may be created."