Express & Star

Travellers booted from Brownhills beauty spot

Travellers who have pitched up near a beauty spot in Brownhills were being ordered to leave today.


More than five caravans arrived at Northfields Way near Clayhanger Common on Tuesday afternoon.

Around the same time a similar sized group set up at the former market site off Silver Street near Tesco although that group left the following day.

Walsall Council enforcement officers appeared before Magistrates in the town yesterday to obtain a court order to force the travellers at Clayhanger to leave.

They were due to serve a notice to the travellers ordering them to leave today.

It is also unknown whether the group is connected to a large illegal encampment that had been pitched up at leisure centre in Cannock for nearly a week causing damage and leaving a mess at the site.

Earlier this year Walsall Council axed half-a-dozen potential sites to be considered for legal traveller pitches.

The authority is looking to create 15 more in the borough in the next ten years.