Gym and benches to remain in Wolverhampton park despite yob problems
A petition to remove fitness equipment and benches from a Wolverhampton green space due to anti-social behaviour fears has been rejected by councillors.

Residents of Lincoln Green, Bushbury had been fighting for the removal of the equipment, claiming the site has led to gangs causing trouble and had left some people 'scared to go to bed'.
But the City of Wolverhampton petitions committee were unanimously against it, due to the lack of evidence of anti-social behaviour in the area, the high cost of carrying out the removal and relocation and the health benefits of the fitness equipment.
Bushbury North councillor Daniel Warren said: "This is in my area, and the people who put forward the petition did suffer a really terrible incident.
"I have spoken to them about this petition and helped support them at the time.
"At the time they were quite happy with the response they received, but 12 months on they decided the equipment must be removed.
"There seems to be a split in opinion on Lincoln Green.
"I think that even if the equipment wasn't there, what happened to the people would still have happened, there are a lot of trees and it's very dark at night time.
"There have been no reports of anti-social behaviour there in the last 12 months, so for it to be removed on that basis, I wouldn't be able to support the petition.
"I would support keeping the equipment but monitoring any anti-social activity.
"There is a clear cause for keeping the equipment and benches there."
Councillor Judith Rowley added: "The health aspect is enough to keep the equipment there. It is important these days to have this kind of facility available to people, especially with rising levels of obesity.
"We should have these kinds of facilities available indoors and outdoors, I would be loathe to support anything to remove them."
Dave Millington, compliance officer, told the committee of the research done and consultations made with residents in the area.
He said: "The petition was received on June 16. There were 25 names on it, 18 of which were people who actually live by Lincoln Green.
"We contacted multi-agencies including the police, and there were no reports of anti-social behaviour relating to the fitness equipment or the benches.
"Letters from Emma Reynolds MP were issued asking residents if they had any incidents to report and no responses were received.
"We also did a letter drop to 51 houses in the area, asking what action residents would like to see taken.
"There were three options: option one was to support the complete removal of the fitness equipment and the benches, option two was to remove the fitness equipment but retain the benches, and option three was to retain the benches and equipment.
"Of the 16 responses we received, five people chose option one, four chose option two and seven chose option three.
"Further to the letter drop, we carried out some investigations which found that there had been no vandalism or anti-social behaviour reports.
"Our recommendation would be retain the equipment. The removal and relocation would come at some considerable cost, and there isn't a budget in place for it.
"The NHS has expressed an interest in using the fitness equipment for people who need rehabilitation from injuries.
"The situation could be monitored and revisited in 12 months if there are problems."
Councillor Greg Brackenhall, committee chair, said: "It is a very important facility, so often we hear about how the kids have nothing to do around here.
"If we removed the equipment we would be depriving people just because of one incident.
We should be having more of these facilities."