Express & Star

Torture robbers facing jail after beating man and pouring boiling water on him

A woman and two friends are facing jail after being found guilty of carrying out a violent attack on her former lover in his Black Country flat.


Uche Ogwuegbu was visited by his ex-partner Chito Adichie and tortured by henchmen Michael Spence and Isaiah Ambersley. He was beaten, had a knife held against his neck, was tied up and had boiling water poured over his feet and legs.

His attackers then made off with watches, jewellery, mobile phones, a laptop and £10,000 in cash from the flat at Camberley House, Beacon View Road, West Bromwich.

A jury of six men and six women took one hour and 46 minutes to return unanimous guilty verdicts to charges of robbery, false imprisonment and assault causing grievous bodily harm against all three defendants.

The trio's reactions were limited as the verdicts were read, with Spence shaking his head.

They were remanded in custody at Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday and will be sentenced in the New Year.

Judge Michael Challinor, said: "These are very serious matters and imprisonment is absolutely inevitable."

Opening the case last week, prosecutor David Swinnerton told the jury Adichie and Mr Ogwuegbu, both Nigerian, had been in a relationship, but split in 2012.

The attack was part of a plot to steal the cash from Mr Ogwuegbu using torture.

During the trial, Adichie, aged 37, of Churchill Walk, Tipton, claimed her former lover had owed her £4,200 following their 'fling' and had agreed to pay some of the money back to pay for treatment for her sick mother in Africa.

She said she had gone to the flat to pick up her belongings, which included African clothing and jewellery, as well as to confront him about a driving licence and loan which had been taken out in her husband's name.

She told the jury she was accompanied by Spence, 26, of Tame Street, West Bromwich, and Ambersley, 44, of Shurbbery Avenue, Tipton, because she feared she would be molested by Mr Ogwuegbu.

But Mr Swinnerton, said: "You received a letter from the bank that said Mr Ogwuegbu had taken out a loan for £10,000. You received the letter on October 28. That's why you were so keen to go round on November 9. You knew he had the money and you wanted to steal the money."

During his evidence, Mr Ogwuegbu said he thought he was going to be killed after being ambushed. His hands and feet were tied with telephone cable and his mouth was sealed with duck tape.

Mr Swinnerton added: "Michael Spence filled and boiled the kettle. When it had boiled Isaiah Ambersley poured the boiling water in his feet, moving up his leg while demanding to know the log-in details to his computer."

The trio eventually left after around two hours when Mr Ogwuegbu said he knew a man who would be bringing him money in a few weeks and promised to pay them.

Mr Ogwuegbu was left tied in his flat following the attack and was only able to free himself after an hour.

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