Express & Star

Mast saga ends after structure is removed from Staffordshire Police HQ

A 153-foot tall phone mast at the old police HQ in Stafford has finally been removed after a lengthy saga.


Complications with the 12 tonne structure have prevented redevelopment of the site which has been vacant since 2010.

Staffordshire Police confirmed the mast was dismantled and taken away from the plot in Baswich at the end of last week.

The issue has been a major problem for Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis who has spoken of his frustration in the past at the redevelopment being held up.

He said: "Getting to this point has taken longer than I had hoped because of the substantial complexities inherited.

"I've also wanted to ensure use of the site is appropriate in respect of local communities and opportunities for local services' involvement. Further news will be available in 2016."

The force moved to its new £16million base in Weston Road five years ago.

Demolition at the former HQ, including the 160-year-old Baswich house, commenced in August 2013.

The problems surrounding the mast hit a further snag when planning bids for a replacement at a different site were initially refused by planning chiefs last year due concerns over the impact on surroundings.

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