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Poll: Should the Just Pray video be shown in cinemas? Watch it and decide

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said it is "extraordinary" that Britain's biggest cinema chains have banned an advert featuring the Lord's Prayer. What do you think?


The Church of England has threatened legal action against Odeon, Cineworld and Vue cinemas and has said it is the victim of religious discrimination after they were told the minute-long Just Pray video could cause offence.

The advert, produced by, shows the Lord's Prayer being recited by a members of the public ranging from bodybuilders to children, and also features the Most Rev Justin Welby, who told the Mail on Sunday: "I find it extraordinary that cinemas rule that it is inappropriate for an advert on prayer to be shown in the week before Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

"This advert is about as 'offensive' as a carol service on Christmas Day."

The advert was due to be played in cinemas from December 18 before showings of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It received clearance from the British Board of Film Classification and the Cinema Advertising Authority, but the Digital Cinema Media (DCM) agency, which handles adverts for Odeon, Cineworld and Vue cinemas, has refused to show it.

Stephen Slack, the Church's chief legal adviser, warned the banning of the advert could "give rise to the possibility of legal proceedings" under the Equality Act which bans commercial organisations from refusing services on religious grounds.

DCM's advertising policy states: "To be approved, an advertisement must ... not in the reasonable opinion of DCM constitute political or religious advertising."

Terry Sanderson, the president of the National Secular Society, said: "The Church of England is arrogant to imagine it has an automatic right to foist its opinions upon a captive audience who have paid good money for a completely different experience.

"The Church does not hesitate to ban things that it deems inappropriate from its own church halls - things like yoga. The cinema chains are simply exercising the same right."

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