WATCH: Burntwood marathon runner hopes donations will 'tumble' in
A marathon runner from Burntwood has found a unique way to up the ante - by strapping a four stone tumble dryer to his back.

That is the length Phil 'the tumble dryer' Box goes to to raise money for his nephew and step-brother who suffer from life debilitating condition Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).
The 29-year-old from Oakdene Road said he started running a few years ago simply to 'clear his head' but having realised he had a natural talent for it he soon ran out of ways to make it more challenging.

He said: "I started running if I had an argument at home or something and it just progressed from there.
"I joined a running club, then ran a marathon, then started doing the ultra marathons which are 100 miles, then I thought what 'am I going to do now?'
"Eventually it just came to me 'I'll try it with a tumble dryer on my back', I was in the kitchen and it was just staring me in the face."
Remarkably, the carpenter and joiner was told to 'calm down' by doctors in December after he was admitted to hospital with chest pains and a suspected heart attack.
But undeterred, Mr Box was out a week later scampering around Chasewater.
And when he came up with the idea to stick a tumble dryer to his back - partly inspired by another runner called Tony the Fridge - he did not exactly ease himself in.
Instead he took on three marathons in three days managing to carry it for around half of the distance.
"It's quite awkward. From the start you are in quite a bit of pain which you carry with you all the way until the end," he said.
But it is worth it to raise money for the PKD charity which he has already generated more than £1,000 for through various running events.
His step brother Craig |Turner and nephew four-year-old Charlie Turner both have the disease which causes a range of health problems and can eventually lead to kidney failure.
Mr Box said: "PKD is treatable and they can pre-long it but at the moment there isn't a cure.
"That's why I am doing this. If people like me don't raise awareness for PKD then there will never be a cure."
Mr Box's next running challenge is on Sunday, when he will be running on a treadmill - without the tumble dryer this time - at Burntwood Leisure Centre for the venue's entire opening time, some 14 hours 30 minutes.
To sponsor Mr Box text 'Tumb85' followed by the donation amount to 70070.
Also follow 'Phil the tumble dryer' on Facebook.