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Bob Dylan Wolverhampton gallery display a must for Brazil nuts

He is one of the most famous rock stars in the world - but Bob Dylan's paintings are heading to Wolverhampton.


The pieces at Castle Fine Art are the second instalment of works to be released from Dylan's collection The Brazil Series, inspired by his travels to the South American country.

The signed paintings can be seen from today and are expected to attract music fans of all ages.

'Favela Villa Candido' shows off Dylan's colourful imagination

The 74-year-old has pursued a career as an artist in recent years as he releases fewer albums.

Having released 36 studio albums, winning 11 Grammy Awards and selling in excess of 125 million records worldwide, he said painting presented him with a new challenge.

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Having painted and sketched for years Dylan's first major museum exhibition was in 2007 at Germany's Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz. Subsequently, Dylan's artwork has been exhibited at many of the world's most prestigious museums and galleries, including The National Gallery of Denmark in which The Brazil Series was first exhibited in 2011.

Art critics have praised the pieces for portraying scenes brimming with life and full of vibrant colour.

Brazil captured Dylan's interest during his many visits to the country, when he used his free time, outside of rehearsing and performing, to gain an understanding and respect for the people and their culture.

Musician and artist, Bob Dylan

This is reflected in his three new pieces which capture a variety of scenes – from the country's infamous favelas to its beautiful coastline and the heart of its countryside.

Dylan said he created art as a way of relaxing and refocusing his mind while touring around the world.

He said: "I try to live as simply as is possible and was just drawing whatever I felt like drawing, whenever I felt like doing it. The idea was always to do it without affection or self-reference, to provide some kind of panoramic view of the world as I was seeing it at the time."

Gallery manager Ian Collunbell said: "After a number of successful past collections, 'The Brazil Series' is rich body of work that further cements Bob's artistic standing. In this collection, Dylan offers up the many faces of Brazil to intrigue and inspire the viewer, capturing moments he has stumbled upon, rather than sought out.

"Looking at the paintings, the tonal colours and style of brush strokes used are reminiscent of French impressionist artist Paul Cézanne – one of Dylan's real inspirations. One of the pieces 'Grande Árvore Beachfront' even nods towards Cézanne's most famous collection of paintings 'The Card Players' in its composition.

"The record sales of the previous release of The Brazil Series is testament to Dylan's popularity as an artist and we have no doubt this engaging collection will prove as popular as ever."

Dylan's previous collections include The Drawn Blank Series, a collection drawings sketched while touring America, Europe and Asia, and Sidetracks, hand embellished images based on Bob Dylan's most iconic image Train Tracks.

The three new pieces can be seen at the gallery in Victoria Street, WV1 3NX. Each of the works are certificated and personally signed by Bob Dylan with the limited edition prints priced at £1,500.

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