Express & Star

Calls for Rugeley Market revamp as number of traders plummets

Almost half the stalls at Rugeley Indoor Market are empty - a huge drop in the past two years.


Out of 39 stalls, 23 are currently unoccupied at the site, meaning just 41 per cent are being used. In 2013, around two thirds of stalls - 64 per cent - were taken up by traders.

However, it's a different picture in Cannock where 85 per cent of stalls - 52 out of 61 - are currently occupied.

Rugeley Indoor Market where 23 of the 39 stalls are sitting empty

District Councillor Ann Allt, who represents the Western Springs ward, today called for investment at Rugeley.

She said: "I am Rugeley born and bred and when I was a child the market was heaving, it had a lot of good stalls.

"I think it could do with a revamp to attract more people to open stalls.

"It could do with a new floor, a lick of paint and generally just modernising."

The market is hoping to take advantage of extra trade over the festive period

Cannock Chase Council, which runs the Rugeley Indoor Market in Bees Lane, has outlined a raft of measures to try and turn the fortunes of the market around including increased advertising, working closer with the local traders and hosting fundraisers to bring in punters.

Tony Griffiths, market manager at the council, said: "The vacancy rates for Rugeley market have declined for a number of reasons.

"One of our traders sadly passed away who had two stalls and a trader with four stalls did so well that he moved into a shop in the town centre and the rest we would class as natural wastage.

"Since January we have supported the traders with several fundraising events, which have again heightened the public profile of the markets including Net Patient Foundation Pyjama Day, a fun-day, fundraising event for Anthony Bowley from the area who suffers from motor neurone disease and a Macmillan coffee day.

"All of this has gained local publicity helping to attract market traders to active markets."

He added the market would play a large roll in upcoming events including Halloween and Christmas which would also encourage traders to take advantage of the extra footfall.

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