Express & Star

IN PICTURES: Wolves legend Steve Bull gets the ball rolling for Macmillan coffee morning

Wolves legend Steve Bull was on home turf as he set the ball rolling for a massive Macmillan coffee morning.


It was held only a mile from where the soccer hero grew up. Steve joked as he prepared to cut the tape and start the charity event at the Brook Street Community Centre in Tipton: "Its great to be back because everybody round here understands what I say!"

Steve Bull with organiser Sally Gutteridge

He added more seriously: "I was delighted to come and give a helping hand because good people are raising money for a good cause. Most families are touched by cancer in one way or another at some stage in their life and the Macmillan nurses do a wonderful job in offering assistance to those who are affected."

Bully signs a shirt for fans

Steve, who runs his own charitable foundation, concluded: "I have been lucky in life and this is another opportunity to give a little back."

The event raised £2,200 on the day with another £1,000 promised and a further £600 pledged on a Justgiving page. Organiser Mrs Sally Gutteridge, a 43-year-old mother of two from Wilmot Drive, Tipton said afterwards: "I am very chuffed. I aimed for £1,000 and have completely smashed that."

Steve Bull poses for a picture with a fan

She explained: "I had my first Macmillan coffee morning in September 2013 saying it was worth doing because you never know when you might need them. It raised £266.

"The next month I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I did need them. Since then I have developed bone cancer, so I am living with cancer but I am healthy. Having used the services of Macmillan nurses I realise how vital it is and I know I may need them again."

Last year she held a slightly larger coffee morning that collected £500 for the charity but decided to make it even bigger this time with teas, cakes, stalls, a tombola, raffle and 21 tables selling everything from sweets and candles to jewellery.

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