Express & Star

Man suffers 'nasty' head injury after falling onto tracks at Birmingham New Street station following cigarette row

A man suffered a 'nasty' head injury after being punched and falling onto the tracks at Birmingham New Street station following a row about a cigarette.


The man who is in his 50s remains in hospital with head injuries following the dispute with another man who refused to put out a cigarette.

After falling onto the lines the man from Barnt Green was helped back onto platform 11 by onlookers and the other man involved in the row.

Following the altercation at around 11pm last night police would like to speak to the man who refused to put out his cigarette. He is described as white, in his 30s, 6ft tall, and was wearing a blue jacket and jeans. He left the station via the Hill Street exit where he is thought to have got into a taxi.

Detective Inspector Shanie Erwin from BTP said: "The man who fell onto the tracks received a nasty head injury in the altercation and he continues to recover in hospital.

"Thankfully, incidents like this - where people end up on the tracks - are extremely rare. Those on the platform at the time must have been shocked by what they were seeing and a full investigation will now be carried out to establish exactly what happened.

"I would appeal to the man who left the station to come forward and tell us his side of the story, so we can understand the full circumstances behind the incident.

"We have spoken to a number of witnesses at the scene, who were waiting for the last train to Redditch. I would urge anyone who was there, and who we have not yet spoken to, to contact us."

Anyone with information about the incident can call BTP on 0800 40 50 40 or text the force on 61016 quoting reference M/B8 of 14/10/15. Alternatively, information can also be given to the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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