Express & Star

Pervert who secretly filmed up skirts of women had thousands of indecent images of children

A man caught with thousands of indecent images of children on his computer also secretly filmed up the skirts of women using a camera attached to his shoe.


Police raided the house of Davin Taylor while he was on holiday with his partner on September 11 last year and seized a number of computers and electronic devices. When the 44-year-old returned from holiday the next day and was questioned by police, he admitted they would find images of children on his computer.

Mr Marcus Henry, prosecuting, told Wolverhampton Crown Court that Taylor 'obtained a thrill out of downloading the images' and some of the items involved children as young as three.

When the computer was forensically examined, officers found thousands of images, including some that appeared to have been filmed secretly.

Mr Henry said: "In fact there were a number of images and videos whereby the defendant had attached a covert camera to his shoe and had used it to film up the skirts of women."

This took place between May 2011 and May 2012, and Taylor pleaded guilty to two counts of covert filming at an earlier appearance.

He had also pleaded guilty to three counts of possession of indecent still images of children, three counts of possession of indecent moving images and two counts of possession of extreme pornographic images.

The charges all related to the period between August 2012 and August 2014.

A total of 839 of the still images were the most serious Category A, while there were 675 Category B and 1,725 Category C. When it came to the movies, 83 were Category A, 36 Category B, and 89 Category C.

Mr Stephen Hamblett, mitigating, said Taylor, of Halesowen Street, Rowley Regis, has expressed genuine remorse for what he had done.

"His admission is it was more to do with the thrill of the chase. The gratification came from the downloading," he said.

During sentencing, Judge Mark Eades said: "Within the privacy of your own home you indulged in looking at filthy photographs, indecent photographs on occasion involving very young children.

"You probably thought that was pretty harmless, you were alone, no-one could see what you were doing, no harm could be done.

"But it wasn't, was it? A moment's thought would have made you realise to produce those images children had to be abused and you were providing a market place for that sort of image.

"That is the evil of what you are doing."

Judge Eades also said the covert camera was a 'particularly nasty and unpleasant thing to have done'.

He sentenced Taylor to a three-year community rehabilitation programme, five years on a sex offender treatment programme and a sexual harm prevention order. He is also subject to a raft of conditions relating to internet use and data storage, and must not have any contact with females under the age of 16.

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