Express & Star

Police to crackdown on street drinking in Wolverhampton

Police in Wolverhampton have launched a crackdown on street drinking following complaints about alcohol-related anti-social behaviour.


They have stepped up patrols in areas around main routes through the city amid fears drunks are causing trouble.

Officers can confiscate booze from anyone they catch, and pour it away.

There has been a concerns raised by residents and officers in the St Peter's and Park Policing Team said they had launched a crackdown.

And they have warned that persistent offenders could be arrested.

Police are targeting the Chapel Ash Triangle, which encompasses Tettenhall Road, Compton Road and the Newbridge area.

Sergeant Kevin Whitehouse said: "This area has been identified as a focal point for anti-social behaviour, and in particular street drinkers.

"We have responded to community concerns by the robust enforcement of the current DPPO (Designated Public Place Order) which has seen our officers confiscating a mix of alcoholic drinks.

"We also teamed up with the Wolverhampton ASB Unit to locate witnesses and obtain statements for further action to be taken against identified individuals."

Officers first launched a summer crackdown in the area last year after complaints from the public over street drinkers causing trouble in and around West Park.

Warnings also went out to local stores that if they sell alcohol to drunk customers they run the risk of losing their licences.

Police have previously insisted that very little crime is either reported or recorded in the area.

Patrols have also been stepped up in he area between Bentley Bridge and the Fishes Estate. Anyone witnessing anti-social behaviour across the city can call police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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