Express & Star

Police move to allay EDL Walsall fears

Police have moved to allay fears in Walsall after the English Defence League claimed child exploitation in the town 'exceeds the Rotherham scandal' - citing it as a reason for the protest next month.


The EDL plan to stage a demonstration in Walsall town centre on Saturday, August 15 - with 400 people intending to attend.

A West Midlands Police spokesman said: "We understand they have cited recent terror arrests and cases of child sexual exploitation as the reasons behind their proposed visit.

"We would like to reassure residents that Walsall is no more vulnerable to these issues than any other large town in the UK and to claim exploitation 'exceeds the Rotherham scandal' is simply untrue."

The force says it has no power to ban groups from protesting but that it continue to liaise with the organisers to understand more about the proposed gathering.

"We are planning to keep disruption for those who live, work or plan to visit Walsall on that day to a minimum, while ensuring a safe and peaceful event for all concerned," they added.

In an information leaflet from the police it says about 400 people have indicated they intend to attend, but that in the past the actual figure on the day has tended to be considerably lower.

It also says the exact location of the protest has not yet been confirmed, and that they will keep residents informed of any new information.

Contact police on 101 with any concerns or queries.

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