Express & Star

Anger at supermarket plan for Wolverhampton pub car park

Developers who want to knock down part of a community pub as part of plans to build a supermarket on its car park have submitted a formal planning application.


Residents in Bushbury have been bracing themselves for some time in preparation for the planning application from New River Retail that would also see part of the Harrowby Arms pub on Patshull Avenue demolished.

Earlier this year, community campaigners successfully lobbied to get the pub listed as an Asset of Community Value. Councillor Ian Angus, who represents Bushbury North, said: "We knew the planning application would land at some point but we are well prepared to fight it. Formal objections will be lodged by the three local councillors, supported by a petition signed by over 1,000 local residents.

"The Harrowby Arms, a popular, profitable local pub, should be celebrating its 60th year but instead it faces being torn in half to make way for another Co-op store that few people want. This is cynical on their behalf. I am incensed that NewRiver have gone back on their word and are seeking to appeal the status awarded to the pub earlier this year."

Developers say the store will create more than 20 jobs.

The temporary landlords at the pub said they could not comment on the plans.

Martin Hughes, of NewRiver Retail, said:"Our position is unchanged from what we stated at the recent meeting with local people and councillors, we do not have a problem in principle with the ACV listing of The Harrowby Arms pub."

"We have asked for the review because this is the only opportunity we have to explain the specific issues with this site and the boundary which we believe should apply. We did not have that opportunity previously. NewRiver remains fully committed to the retention of the Harrowby Arms as a community pub and intends to invest further in it should we be able to take forward the plans to add a new convenience store alongside it."

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