Express & Star

Speed limit outside school will be lowered by 10mph

The speed limit outside a school in Wordsley will be reduced by 10mph after council bosses gave their backing to campaigners.


Around 300 people had signed a petition calling for the limit to be cut from 30mph to 20mph on Lawnswood Road.

The move was backed by residents and parents of children attending nearby Belle Vue Primary School.

It comes after an action group was established to organise a community speed watch initiative in the area.

That followed concerns over speeding motorists and calls to improve safety after a motorcyclist died nearby last summer.

Ward councillor Derrick Hemingsley helped start the speed watch scheme with neighbourhood police.

Residents have been out using speed guns to clock motorists who have been exceeding limits on the mainly residential streets. In total 19 motorists who were driving 35mph over the 30pmh speed limit with one doing 51mph, during their latest session last Thursday.

Dudley Council has confirmed that the road will have its speed limit cut alongside a programme being rolled out outside schools in the borough.

Councillor Hemingsley said: "It is wonderful news and it is a dream come true for everyone.

"My concern over the horrendous high speeds recorded on this stretch of road is the safety of our children in Wordsley."

The campaigners, which includes fellow ward councillor Paul Brothwood, also want the council to upgrade a pedestrian crossing outside the school with improved LED lighting.

Councillor Bills confirmed that the road project was on a list, adding: "I thank everyone for the campaign and the petition.

"It is great and that is what we want to see was a council, the community coming together to tell us what they want."

A timetable for the work to reduce the limits and look at safety at the road is being finalised.

In the meantime community speed watch sessions will continue in the area to monitor motorists.

Letters are sent out to those who have been shown to be exceeding limits to warn them of their future conduct.

Councillor Brothwood added: "It was great to see a cross-party group and members of the local community working with PCSOs to catch speeders in Wordsley.

"We focused on Balmoral Road and Lawnswood Road.

"I hope the letters the speeders receive will act as a wake up call."

The team, which also includes PSCO Jim Keeley, monitor speeds using a speed gun to track motorists.

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