Express & Star

Man stabbed outside Dudley pub after argument, court hears

A man was stabbed outside a Dudley pub after tensions flared between three friends and a group of youths, a court heard.


Darren Edwards is accused of attempting to murder Christopher Perkins outside the The Earl of Dudley Arms, in Wellington Road, Dudley, in the early hours of May 11 last year.

Edwards, of Kilburn Place, Netherton, denies attempted murder and a second charge of wounding.

At the start of the trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court on Tuesday, Mrs Grace Hale, prosecuting, said 36-year-old Edwards was arrested in August and picked out from an identity parade by Mr Perkins.

She said Mr Perkins had been at the pub with two friends and had an argument with a group of youths. Mrs Hale said one of the youths struck a woman and that sparked fighting.

She told how Mr Perkins was stabbed several times and suffered a pierced lung, a cut to his other lung and the sac surrounding his heart was cut. He also suffered injuries to his elbows and legs, the court was told.

Mrs Hale said: "The prosecution say if someone pushes something so hard into someone, so much so that they pierce organs, not one, not two but five times, that person must have wanted, must have intended to kill that person.

"The issues in this case are these: Was the defendant the man who did the stabbing of Christopher Perkins? And, secondly, did he intend to kill Christopher Perkins?" Mrs Hale told the jury a weapon had not been found.

The trial continues.

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