Express & Star

Anger as funfair on way to Wolverhampton green

Upper Green in Tettenhall is to be transformed into a fairground this summer in a move that has sparked outrage among residents.


The green is considered one of Wolverhampton's most beautiful natural areas and with a large paddling pool and vast grassy expanse. But from the end of July until September, it will be taken over by a travelling fair, with a Ferris wheel, bumper cars, portable toilets and hot dog stands.

Leisure bosses at Wolverhampton City Council agreed the move despite objections from Tory councillors in the ward, who say the fair has gone down 'like a lead balloon' with residents. It is thought the fair will bring much-needed revenue into the authority's coffers.

Upper Green regularly sees up to 3,000 visitors a day in the summer, leading to bottle-necked roads, double parking and problems with litter.

Councillor Jonathan Yardley, who represents Tettenhall Regis, said he feared the issues 'would get 10 times worse' once the fair opens up for business.

"I am absolutely horrified that the council seems intent on degrading one of the city's most popular beauty spots," he said.

"A funfair is the epitome of tackiness and will cause a multitude of problems. Residents will have to deal with constant noise, litter strewn all over the place and damage to the green itself. It is going ahead without any public consultation.

"It seems the council will go to any lengths to destroy the good things we have in Wolverhampton. They are skint and have run out of ideas to make money like attracting businesses that pay decent rates.

"They are spoiling one of Wolverhampton's jewels in the crown for the sake of a few quid."

The council's leisure chief Councillor Elias Mattu said the fair was 'a wonderful idea' that will provide entertainment for families throughout the holidays.

"Not all parents can afford to take their children away during the summer," he said. "As a council it is our duty to give our youngsters something to do when they are not at school. We have had fairs in other parks in the city. There is no reason why Tettenhall should be any different."

The popular City Show and bonfire have been moved from West Park with council chiefs concerned over parking problems and that turf in the park was being torn up by heavy vehicles.

Councillor Yardley said: "The fair on Upper Green will be dismantled each night and set up again each morning. The City Show only ran for a few days and the damage was horrendous. I dread to think what the green will look like after lorries have been driving over it for five weeks."

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