Express & Star

Car lodged between bollard and bus in Dudley smash

A woman was rescued from her car after it overturned and became sandwiched between a concrete bollard and a bus.


The emergency services were called to Cinderbank island in Dudley at lunchtime today.

Firefighter helped to free the woman, thought to be in her 20s, by removing the glass from the back window of her blue Corsa and helping her to safety.

She was taken to Russells Hall Hospital for treatment to minor injuries, along with a passer-by who cut his hand as he tried to go to her aid.

Her car veered off the road as it negotiated the roundabout and hit the concrete post. The impact caused the Corsa to topple over and collide with the single-decker bus, and become wedged.

The accident at around midday led to delays for motorists after part of the junction was blocked off to allow crews to work at the scene.

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