Express & Star

Stourbridge nightclub wants 5am licence

A nightclub in Stourbridge wants to extend its opening hours - and serve drinks to customers until 5.30am under new plans.


The Stourbridge Academy, in Hagley Road, wants to be able to stay open longer on certain nights - with time being called 30 minutes before closing.

But the move faces opposition from West Midlands Police, ward councillors and some residents who are against the plans.

Currently the nightclub is allowed to sell alcohol from 10am to 3am Monday to Sunday on the ground floor and until 4am on the first floor.

But under the proposals by Stourbridge Academy Arena Entertainment Limited this would be extended on Fridays and Saturdays to 5.30am.

It would also allow the venue to stay open until 6am, under plans tabled to Dudley Council's licensing committee.

A report to the committee by council officer Liz Rouse said: "Objections to the application have been received from the West Midlands Police, representations in support of the Police objections have also been received from ward councillors, copies of those objections/representations have been circulated to the applicant, committee members and interested parties in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003."

The report said, as of the start of April, four objections were received from residents about the application.

Ward councillor Nic Barlow confirmed he was objecting to the proposals saying it would be a 'ridiculous time' for the club to be open selling booze in Stourbridge.

"They are expecting to open to what is frankly a ridiculous time," he said.

"It is wholly inappropriate.

"I would think 1am to 2am is perfectly fine for that type of establishment and it will increase anti-social behaviour and put more pressure on police as it will take resources away from the high street where the other places are."

He added, as a wider issue, officials should instead but looking to create different venues catering for other members of the community.

"As a town we need more family-orientated places too," he said.

He also cited the cumulative impact policy which aims to limit the numbers of licensed premises in the town.

A West Midlands Police spokesman said: "As this is yet to be discussed, it would be inappropriate to comment until the meeting."

The Express & Star has been unable to reach The Stourbridge Academy for comment.

The application will be heard at the licensing committee meeting on April 28.

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