Express & Star

JAILED: Stalker launched terror campaign against prison staff and father-in-law

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A stalker who launched a one-man terror campaign against prison staff and his father-in-law has been jailed for 30 months.


Matthew Jones burned the initials of an officer at HMP Featherstone near Wolverhampton onto his skin and wrote letters containing threats.

The 42-year-old, who has a personality disorder, was jailed indefinitely in July 2010 for public protection for an offence of arson.

In September 2014 he was jailed for stalking for two years and given a restraining order after he developed a 'strong attachment' to Featherstone prison officer Heather Lockley.

He burned her name on his body, arm and leg. The court heard he later breached the order by writing letters to her threatening to harm her and her family.

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Judge Nicholas Webb said Jones earlier this year also wrote threatening letters to a psychiatrist who had been working with him.

And after Jones' wife sent him divorce papers in August last year he sent a letter to Birmingham Crown Court threatening to kill her and others, including his father-in-law Alan Shaw.

A psychiatric review found that Jones has a personality disorder that can be treated over time.

At Wolverhampton Crown Court on Monday, Judge Webb told him: "At present you pose a danger to the psychological and physical well being of people you fixate on."

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For stalking the doctor, Jones was jailed for 12 months, for sending malicious communications he was jailed for three months, for breaching restraining orders he was jailed for 15 months on each to run concurrently. For stalking Mr Shaw he was jailed for 15 months to run consecutively.

Jones had previously admitted all the offences.