Express & Star

Jailed: Drunk man woken by train attendant spat in his face and threatened to kill him

A drunk who polished off seven brandies and seven gins before spitting in the face of a train attendant who woke him up has been jailed for 18 weeks.

Wolverhampton rail station

Maris Radzins had been drinking on a late train from London Euston to Wolverhampton on March 22.

Wolverhampton Magistrates Court heard that Radzins had drank seven brandies, seven gins and even more alcohol before becoming aggressive as Virgin Rail workers tried to wake him so he could get off the train in Wolverhampton.

When attendants initially tried to move him, Radzins swore and said he would kill them.

As more staff came to try and control the situation, the 32-year-old spat in the face of a male attendant, while lashing out at others.

Radzins, who came to the UK from Russia in 2011, pleaded guilty to one count of assault by beating. He stays at West London Day Centre but is technically homeless.

He was given a 18-week prison sentence and told to pay £100 compensation to his victim.

Mr Roger Blezzard, prosecuting, said: "Members of staff were checking for people still on the train as it had reached the point where people had to depart.

"As they tried to wake Radzins he became aggressive and was clearly drunk."

Magistrates chairman Mr Stephen Russell said custody was the only way to suitably punish Radzins, who was already serving a suspended sentence when the incident took place.

His 18-week sentence was reduced from 23 due to him pleading guilty at the earliest opportunity.

Mr Russell said: "You spat at a man who was doing his job in order to service the public.

"That you admitted this in full at the first opportunity is good for you.

"However we feel that the only appropriate sentencing in this case is one of immediate custody."

Defence solicitor Mrs Debbie Starrs told the court that Radzins had travelled to Wolverhampton using money loaned to him from friends and that he had hoped to find work in the city.

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