Express & Star

Council tax rise given go ahead

Council tax will rise for residents in a part of the Midlands under budget proposes which will see cuts of almost £24 million.


People living in Wyre Forest, Hagley and Clent will see their council tax bills rises by 1.94 per cent after proposals were backed by Worcestershire County Council.

The increase will see yearly bills for an average Band D property rise by around £20 to £1,079.

But county council leaders said there would be increased spending on children's care, highways and footways as a result.

Councillors also agreed to freeze their allowances for the seventh year running.

County council leader Adrian Hardman, said: "This is a budget that faces up to the challenges that the council faces not only in the medium term but also in the next year.

"It's also a budget which recognises the fact that the Revenue Support Grant will fall by some £19 million while addressing the pressures in looked after children's services."

He added: "It is a prudent budget that reinforces our corporate plan. It is consistent with our aims and objectives and issues a challenge to the council and residents to improve the infrastructure of the county and defend the most vulnerable in our society."

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