Express & Star

Shock after 100mph chase ends in Wednesbury garden

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Neighbours have spoken of their shock after a high speed police chase ended with a car ploughing through garden wall.


They said it sounded like a 'bomb had gone off' as the 40-year-old man lost control and careered off the road.

A trail of destruction was left behind by the blue Ford Focus that demolished a lamppost and a 20mph sign before going through the wall.

Bricks and debris are scattered across a front garden after the accident, which happened in the early hours yesterday, which demolished part of a 2ft-tall wall.

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The driver from Wolverhampton failed to stop for officers in Victoria Street, Wednesbury, after running through a red light shortly after midnight.

And as traffic police gave chase, the blue Ford Focus reached speeds of 100mph in a 30mph zone.

The driver eventually lost control on Bilston Road at the junction with Darlaston Road and demolished a lamppost and a wall before coming to rest in a garden.

He was taken to Walsall Manor Hospital with minor injuries and will be questioned on suspicion of driving while under the influence of alcohol and dangerous driving.

The road was closed with diversions down Whitley Street while debris was cleared.

Mother-of-one Donna Crofton, aged 48, said the car only stopped inches away from her semi-detached house.

Her son Rhys, 11, was asleep at the time.

"I heard something but I wasn't sure what it was because it was so loud and sounded like a bomb had gone off," she said.

"I looked outside and saw the car was in the garden. It had gone straight through the wall and destroyed it.

"I was in shock, luckily it had managed to stop before the house otherwise we could have been in real trouble."

"Normally we park our car in the garden, luckily we hadn't left it there overnight.

"If it hadn't have ricocheted off the lamppost it would have gone into the kitchen."

Neighbour Stan Page, 78, added: "The wall has been knocked over three times before.

"I was in bed fast asleep and I came out to see bricks all over the garden.

"It's dangerous doing those speeds on the motorway. "

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