Express & Star

Wolverhampton man jailed after caught smuggling drugs into prison

A visitor caught smuggling drugs into a prison has landed himself a jail sentence.


Adrian Hughes, of Wolverhampton, was stopped by officers at Dovegate Prison, near Uttoxeter, where he was due to visit his cousin.

Hughes was searched and asked if he had any contraband. The 39 year old, of Belmont Road in Goldthorn Park, confessed he had a package hidden between his buttocks.

Prosecutor Fiona Cortese told Stafford Crown Court that the package contained 23 tablets of Subutex – a class C controlled drug.

Miss Cortese said that after his arrest at the prison on November 11, Hughes told police he had been visited at his home by a female and told he had to take the drugs in to the prison. He felt he had no choice but to do what he was asked.

The 23 tablets of Subutex, which is used to treat drug addiction, would have had a street value of up to £72, but inside prison the value could be as high as £288.

Hughes pleaded guilty to taking a prohibited article into custody and was jailed for 12 months.

Recorder John Butterfield QC told him: "You ignored numerous written warnings about taking contraband in to prisons, you signed what was a false declaration that you had nothing improper on you.

"You have given a convoluted explanation suggesting you came under a degree of pressure – it can't remotely amount to a justification for what you did."

The defendant's criminal record showed 32 court appearances for a total of 59 previous offences, mainly for dishonesty, but including a 42-month jail term for possessing drugs with intent to supply.

Steve Hennessey, defending, said Hughes had committed this offence by virtue of coercion and threats.

He said: "He was, in effect, a courier. He seems to have turned the corner in his own addiction."

Hughes was the breadwinner for his family, the court heard, and if jailed he would lose his job and their main source of income.

But Mr Butterfield told Hughes: "You should have thought about that beforehand."

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