Bone marrow donations given in memory of little Margot Martini
The first bone marrow donors inspired by toddler Margot Martini have donated their stem cells.

Margot, who lost her battle with leukaemia last year after a worldwide search for a donor, inspired thousands of people in the UK to join the stem cell register.
The two-year-old's father, Yaser, has just learnt the donor drive has now flagged up its first two matches with people in need of bone marrow donation.
Mr Martini said: "The response to Margot's donor appeal saw more than 35,000 people joined the UK register as potential stem cell donors. As a result, statistically this means that over the next 10 years, more than 500 people will now have the option of a potentially life saving bone marrow transplant.
"Delete Blood Cancer UK inform us that the first of the Team Margot registrants has actually donated their stem cells to a patient in need, which heralds Margot's legacy.
"And it gets better: the second Team Margot donor is scheduled to give bone marrow later this month.
"Thank you so much to everyone who has registered and to all those who are encouraging just one more to do the same."
Margot's mother Vicki grew up in Essington and has family across Wolverhampton.