Future of Willenhall post office hangs in the balance
The future of Willenhall's main post office is still hanging in the balance more than 18 months after bosses announced plans to close the facilit, which is used by thousands of people each week, and move it into a shop.

The plans to close the branch in John Street and move the services attracted widespread protest last year, but Post Office bosses have announced they are yet to decide on a preferred franchise partner before a public consultation can be launched.
Strike action was taken last year and a petition against the plans collected more than 1,000 signatures in less than a week.
Now, fresh calls have been made for the proposals to be abandoned.
Walsall North MP David Winnick also campaigned against the plans and took the fight to the House of Commons earlier this year.
Dozens of residents also gathered at a public meeting last year to quiz Post Office bosses and raised concerns over the potential downgrading of the service.
Walsall Council leader Councillor Sean Coughlan, who has been a key campaigner against the scheme, has called on Post Office bosses to drop the proposals.
He said: "We are totally against the plans.
"We would prefer to keep what we have got. It's the view of most of the community.
"There isn't an adequate building nearby to move the service. It is a well used post office and it will be a struggle for them to find anywhere else."
Mr Winnick added: "I'm totally against what is being put forward.
"There is a unanimous feeling in Willenhall against this.
"I would call on Post Office bosses to drop their intentions. It's a very busy post office. There are always queues and it is in a central location."
Plans to franchise 70 crown post offices were unveiled last year in a bid to help the service cope with £40 million a year losses.
Bosses said expressions of interest were received for all branches, but have not revealed potential franchise partners for the Willenhall facility.
Post Office spokesman Cathal Wogan said: "No decision has yet been made about a preferred potential franchise partner for Willenhall post office.
"When a decision is made we will to proceed to the local public consultation stage, during which customers and local representatives will be encouraged to share their views on the proposed new service, helping us make the right decisions for the community.
"If it is the case that a suitable retail partner is not agreed, service will continue as it does at present."
A public consultation would run for six weeks.