Pensioner in possession of almost 1,500 extreme bestiality porn images spared jail
A 71-year-old man who admitted possessing almost 1,500 extreme pornographic images of bestiality has been spared jail so that he can get treatment.

Police found the haul on the computer of Alfred Edge when they visited his home in Attlee Crescent, Bilston on January 16 last year, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told yesterday.
Mr Mark Rees, prosecuting, said: "There were still and moving images of acts of bestiality. When questioned about them, the defendant made no comment."
Edge, who had no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to possessing 1,460 extreme pornographic images of people involved in sexual acts with animals, and also to possessing a further 27 moving images of the same nature.
Mr Jasvir Mann, defending, told the court: "He feels absolute disgrace over these proceedings. He is thoroughly ashamed. He made a serious mistake but even at his age he has the wish and the ability to change."
And he added: "He does not have a computer any more and has no intention of ever having one again."
Edge was given a three year community order by the court that will include attendance at a community sex offender programme and only allow him to live at an address approved by his supervising officer.
Judge John Wait told him during his sentencing: "I do not regard it as being in the public interest to send you to prison at the public expense. It will be far better for you to be required to go on a programme that will address this kind of offending.
"This is a vile crime."