Express & Star

Major roadworks scheme hit by delays

A £1.5 million project to make major improvements to a busy city gateway has been hit by delays.


The redesign work of the two Wall Islands in Lichfield was due to finish at the end of May.

But the project has been hit by delays and is expected to now continue until June 27.

The work, which started in February, is part of the Government's Pitch Point Programme to support Lichfield's future growth in light of thousands of homes being built over the next 15 years.

Highways Agency spokeswoman Pragati Baddhan said today: "The work is now expected to be completed by June 27.

"The delay has been caused by certain areas of the road that we didn't know needed resurfacing."

Traffic often builds up on both roundabouts during rush-hour in the morning and afternoon.

And council bosses said previously that the situation would get even worse when hundreds of new homes are built in Lichfield in the near future.

The project at the Wall Islands includes closing off parts of the southern island to redirect the flow of the traffic.

The layout of the northern island is being redesigned to improve the safety and flow of traffic.

Widening of lanes is also being carried out on the approach roads to the islands to increase capacity and traffic lights are being installed to reduce queuing.

Around 1,300 homes are being built in Lichfield before 2020.

Last month plans to build a mini village, including 450 new homes, a primary school and shops in Lichfield were approved.

Persimmon Homes will soon be developing land off Shortbutts Lane. The plans involve creating homes of various sizes, a new school, shops, community centre and children's play areas.

When plans were first submitted more than 12 months ago, 99 objection letters from residents were sent to the council.

Neighbours complained that the development would mean the loss of farmland and that Lichfield doesn't need any more houses.

The new primary school will accommodate 210 pupils.

Elsewhere in the city proposals have been submitted by developer David Wilson Homes to build 150 new homes off Limburg Avenue next to a Waitrose supermarket.