Cannock waste plant stench still causing misery
Residents who have suffered foul smells from a Cannock waste plant are not convinced the problem has gone away despite £800,000 of improvements.

Householders living in Newlands Park say they have not noticed any real difference since Biffa cleaned up its act – but believe the real test will come in the spring when temperatures rise. Nursery manager Karen Hayward, aged 49, who lives in Peregrine Way, half-a-mile away, said:
"The problem has not gone away, although it seems to have lessened."
She added: "I'm out at work most days so it's hard to tell for sure but when we do get it, it's very strong."
The Environment Agency recorded around 20 reports of excessive odour seeping from the £24million plant in November. Officials then gave
Biffa four months to make amends and will review it in March.
"I'm dreading the summer," said Amy Pagett, 26, who moved to the estate a few weeks ago.
The trainee hairdresser, of Sparrowhawk Way had been warned by neighbours about the stench from an anaerobic digester installed last year at the Poplars plant.
Michelle McPherson, a 38-year-old IT manager, said: "I can't say we've noticed any difference lately."
The mother-of-two added: "The smell has been so bad that we were worried about the health risk to our children. The firm has assured us that there isn't any danger." Not everyone is bothered by the odour, however. Construction manager David Simner, 33, of Pheasant Way, rarely notices it.
He said: "It depends on which way the wind is blowing but we seem to escape the worst of it." The facility processes up to 120,000 tons of food waste from homes and businesses every year.
Engineering and processing director DrJohn Casey said the firm had implemented "the best available techniques"at Cannock to keep odour leakage to a minimum.