Express & Star

Webchat with E&S Classified Manager

In the second part of our webchat series to mark Local Newspaper Week, MNA Classified Manager Trish Booth will be online today to answer questions from readers.


In the second part of our webchat series to mark Local Newspaper Week, MNA Classified Manager Trish Booth will be online today to answer questions from readers.

Trish is responsible for classified revenue across Wolverhampton and Shropshire and has been working at the Express & Star for more than three and a half years.

She has worked in advertising sales for more than 20 years, having worked all sections including classified, motors and property.

Trish will be online from 1pm to 2pm today (Tuesday). You can ask your questions about advertising with the Express & Star, or the company itself, using the form below.

Local Newspaper Week, organised by the Newspaper Society, celebrates the contribution that local newspapers make to their communities.

The Express & Star has a week of activity planned, in print and online, to mark its work within the West Midlands.

To read yesterday's webchat with Express & Star executive editor Mark Drew click here.

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