Express & Star

Driver in cyclist death crash is spared prison

A motorist who caused a crash that killed a record breaking cyclist from Staffordshire has been spared jail by a judge.


A motorist who caused a crash that killed a record breaking cyclist from Staffordshire has been spared jail by a judge.

Aircraft safety boss Andrew Mylrea was given a community order and a 12-month driving ban after his BMW hit 72-year-old Pat Kenny, of Spring Lane, Whittington, near Lichfield, who was cycling along the A38 near Burton, leaving him with fatal injuries.

A jury ruled that Mr Kenny's death was caused by Mylrea's careless driving, but Judge Simon Tonking told the defendant: "This is not a case for a custodial sentence.

"I accept you are normally a careful and considerate driver – this was a complete aberration. Your carelessness was failing to see Mr Kenny and his bicycle."

Mr Kenny broke nine national records in a 28-year period.

His Birmingham to London tandem record with Les Lowe in 1981 still stands.

Mylrea, aged 46, of Faraday Road, Stretton, near Burton, the head of an aero-engine safety team at Rolls Royce in Derby, had denied causing death by careless driving.

But David Mason QC said in mitigation: "Mr Mylrea has always accepted he caused the death of Mr Kenny, the issue was whether it amounted to criminality."

Judge Tonking told Stafford Crown Court on Friday he had noted something that a member of Mr Kenny's family had said – "it's not so much that he made a mistake, but that he would not acknowledge it".

"I note from the pre-sentence report he has now acknowledged that he was in error."

The judge directed that Mylrea should do 150 hours unpaid community work and pay £3,500 in costs.

The jury heard that Mylrea's BMW hit the veteran cyclist when pulling off the A38 on to the Clay Mills slip road.