Express & Star

Festive boost as Great Barr mast plan rejected

Campaigners in Great Barr have received a festive boost after plans for a 60ft phone mast were rejected by planners. Mobile phone giant Vodafone wanted to build the 60ft mast on land behind Bowman Road.


Campaigners in Great Barr have received a festive boost after plans for a 60ft phone mast were rejected by planners. Mobile phone giant Vodafone wanted to build the 60ft mast on land behind Bowman Road.

But the scheme has now been turned down by Birmingham City Council's planning committee after more than 250 people signed a petition against it. Lead campaigner Bob Wild, from the Oscott Residents' Association, said: "It's such a relief to everyone on our estate.

"It had taken over my life for the past five weeks – knocking on doors, giving out leaflets. I think we'll be having a few beers over Christmas."

Vodafone's application had been for a telecoms support pole with six antennae and two dishes. This would have been secured by a 7ft fence. Residents objected bec ause they were concerned about the health and environmental impact.

The application was expected to be seen before planners earlier this week but council officers rejected the plan using delegated powers.

"It's a very good result – the best we could expect at this stage,"said Mr Wild, who lives in Bowman Road.

"Everyone is very pleased. We're very grateful to Birmingham City Council."

Planning boss Waheed Nazir, said: "The proposed telecommunications support pole and equipment would appear as obtrusive features in the street scene by reason of their height, design and location."

Vodafone put another application for a mast on the corner of Bowman Road and Boothes Lane earlier this year – about 450ft from the proposed spot – but this was rejected because it was deemed to be too close to residents' houses.

The company does have the option to appeal. No-one from Vodafone was available for comment.

By David Lumb